REVIEW : Shinzui Ume Body Mist
So yesterday ( 10/12/17 ) , i was lucky enough to get an invitation to attend a soft launching of ' SHINZU'I UME BODY MIST ' which is located at 3 Wise Monkey, Central Jakarta.
This was such a great event!
let's just straight to the review of the brand new SHINZU'I UME BODY MIST !
complete your day
This body mist or fragrance carrying a natural flower scent content, which is smells so good. SHINZU'I UME Body Mist is available to dedicate it's existence for Indonesian to complete their appearance everyday so they can be cheerful and stay confident in every moment. let's try this together !
The Uniqueness of SHINZU'I UME Body Mist :
- The unique shape of Japanese kokeshi doll, which is looks very cute as a fragrance.
- The cute shape makes it desirable to be collected and displayed.
- Travel-able size , so it's very easy to carry it anywhere.
- Sturdy and won't be wrecked when it falls.
Where can we buy it ?
You can buy this body mist at the nearest supermarket !
How much does it cost ?
This body mist costs very affordable ( around 17k )
with an affordable price you can get this very worthed body mist, gotta get yours too girls !
As we know from the picture i posted on the title, SHINZU'I UME Body Mist also comes in 4 variant !
Let's see what is it :
Ekspresikan Gayamu
Iseiya is a typical sweet and traditional garb girl who loves art and craft, the fragrance of Iseiya comes from floral and sweet gruit.
Iseiya was made to express your style, the scents of this fragrance are so good that could make you feel more confident. The fragrance spectrum are composted of Citrus, bergammot, cassis, cydamen, jasmine, ylang-ylang, sandalwood, cedarwood and vanilla.
Tunjukan Kreativitasmu
Hatsune is a preppy girl who loves reading, studying and join in the science club. The fragrance of Hatsune comes from fruit which resulted a fresh scent.
Hatsune was made for those who loves to share their creativity through anything. This fragrance also has a good smell which is composted of pineapple, pear, peach, apricot, rose, orchid, musk, amber, vanilla and sandal wood.
This one are very compatible for those who loves the scents of fruits and flowers.
Pancarkan Cantikmu
Ayumi is a pretty and stylish in a sporty way girl who loves cheerleading, beauty vlogging, and team sports. The fragrance of Ayumi comes from sweet and freash floral and berries.
I guess this one must be the favourites for most of girls, Ayumi was made to enchance your beauty. this one has a very feminime and girly smell and probably very compatible for every girls. Which is composted of plum, bergamot, wild berries, sanbac jasmine, plumeria, white lily, soft woods, patchouli, and vanilla.
Tunjukan Pesonamu
Keiko is an elegant and flowery girl who loves ballet, volounteering, playing with her cat, and travelling. The fragrance of Keiko comes from floral and sweet which soft and musky.
Keiko was made to enchance your charm. For me, this one has the most good smell among others. The scent of this body mist are very soft and sweet to be described as a fragrance.
That's all for the 4 variant's of the body mist. So which one match with your personality ?
I guess Keiko is one of my favorite. What's yours ?
Find me on :
IG : sophie.tahir
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